Kiss and Tell

I had my plan in mind
I knew how it was gonna go
I knew the vague instructions

I knew everything I needed to know

I knew what I was gonna do
I knew the name of the game
I thought it over and over
And each time it came out the same

I planned where my hands would go
I even planned if it would be slow or fast
And thought about if it should be short
Or if it would be long and last

I planned out our location
Which was very important to me
And then I even planned out
Where HIS hands would be

I had imagined how it would be
It had to be just right
I thought about it during the day
I dreamed about it at night

And then finally it happened
It was kinda like I thought it would be
And when I reflect on it
It was just like in my fantasy

I had had so many fantasies
And they all seemed so real
But one thing missing from them
Was how the kiss would feel

But then his lips touched mine,
And, boy, did it feel good
That kiss felt exactly
Like a first kiss should

It was nice, it was soft,
It was slow, it was sweet
I can honestly say
That my first kiss was a treat

That kiss was perfect
Even though I didn't follow my plan
because when it came down to what matters
I was still with my man

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